The Universal Demolition Block™ (UDB™) is a deceptively simple charge designed to be used as a small, standard explosive charge for demolition and as a booster charge for charges such as the half barmine which is commonly used for breaching adobe walls.
The design was partly inspired by the WW2 Clamshell Mine which was used widely as a demolition and sabotage tool and which also contained 225g of explosive. Using the UDB™ as a small, standard charge will allow people to be more economical with their explosive, and to make it count, very important when they have to carry it.
The UDB consists of a matchbox concept of two sliding parts – the tray for holding up to 250g of plastic explosive and an outer sleeve which contains and protects the explosive and provides several means of attachment and initiation.
Individual charges may be joined to each other using integral interlocking projections on the sides to make larger charges and three initiation points are provided: two on the side and one on the end. The standard Alford Split Screw is used for inserting and gripping detonators, detcord boosters or the Alford Plain Detonator Adaptors (PDAs). Long zip-ties are provided as a robust means of fixing to targets.