Aquiles Decontamination Equipment
Decontamination equipment for people. Generates a low pressure solution for personnel decontamination
Showing 1–10 of 15 results
Decontamination equipment for people. Generates a low pressure solution for personnel decontamination
Multitasking Decontamination Equipment. It provides three Solutions: low pressure (Decontamination of People and Grounds), high pressure (Decontamination of Vehicles and Materials) and steam (Decontamination of Materials)
Decon Agent LD11, RD20 & RD30, efficiency tested on Field Conditions with Live Agents
Decontamination of People, Vehicles, Materials and Ground. Provide decontamination capabilities neccessay in case of CBRNe incidents with chemical agents (TICs or CWAs)
Decon Apparatus ATM10 provides to First Responders and Emergency Teams a flexible and multitaksing equipment to carry out decontamination of people, vehicles, materials and building interiors.
ATM 2 Portable Decontamination Apparatus provides CBRN Decon capabilities for immediate interventions of First Responder Units
The RD-20 is a decontaminant of high capacity for decontamination
CBRN Decontamination Electronic Equipment and Sensitive Material. Decontamination Agent RD50 provides a effective decontamination protecting funcionality of electronic equipment and sensitive material
Massive Decon Station for People Decontamination (based on Container). Modular set up to configurate 2, 3, 4 or 6 Decontamination Lines for casualties (valid people and disabled/wounded people)
Mass Decontamination Station for People Decontamination. Modular set up to configurate 2, 3 or 4 Decontamination Lines for Valid people and Disabled/Wounded people
Decontamination is apply on Decontamination Showers, which are modular and adaptable. Each Decon Shower is divided in 2 Decontamination Lines, in which could be applied both phases of Decontamination and Rinsing, as it is determinated by CBRN Decontamination protocols
Massive Decon Station for Vehicles of High Capacity. Its innovative design and versatility provides an outstanding decon performance: up to 90 vehicles decontaminated per hour. Assuring higher effectiveness and efficiency in chemical, biological and radiological decontamination of all type of vehicles: light, medium or heavy